Looking for some songs for kids to sing in the run-up to Easter? Click Here for some great ideas. The Jukebox has 80+ songs that are searchable too - click here.
When your Sunday School kids are going back to school, sing something encouraging with them, to remind them of God's love and presence through our Lord Jesus Christ:
"God can do immeasura-bubbly, more than you can ever imagine... Jesus loves you immeasura-bubbly, more than you can ever imagine..." Listen Here :: Download Here
"Jesus will keep us safe with Him, Jesus will make us more like Him ... We know (yes we know) that all things (yes all things) Work together for good, for all those who love God..." Listen Here :: Download Here
"Put it on, the full armour of God .... Get the shield of faith and helmet of salvation, put your trust in Jesus in every situation..." Listen Here :: Download Here
The new Facebook "Reactions" make some great images to help explaining Good Friday to an all-age audience...
"It was a Bad Friday, a Mad Friday, a Sad Friday, but I'm Glad today 'cos..."
Click here for the "Good Friday" song to go with these reactions. Click here for the talk outline and instructions.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego - Daniel's friends in captivity in Babylon - stood up to the great Nebuchadnezzar:
"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up." (Daniel 3:17–18, NIV)
WOW! They had guts - and why? Because they knew that their God was the real God. He was able to save them, but even if he chose not to save them, they would still serve him and no other. This is a great song for these days, when children have to face so much in this world that is against us as believers in Jesus.
Our God is the real God - that's got to be something to sing about! Our "Daniel" song devotes a verse to his friends:
"Shadrach Meshach and Abednego - Bow down or to the furnace you will go!"
NO! Our God is the real God! Whatever you do, O King,
God can save us from your fire We'll only worship Him!
Our God is the real God! Our God is the real God!
Our God is the real God! We'll only worship Him!
Here are the links: Listen :: Sheet Music :: Download Audio File MP3 :: On CD / Album Download
This song has got a great message for us in all the difficulties of the Coronavirus Pandemic: Jesus is always there - solid as a rock, faithful, unchanging. Hebrews 13:8 tells us "Jesus is the same, yesterday, today, and forever" - and that's what this Sunday School children's Bible song is based on.
The video has the lyrics and music so you can sing along - why not use it in your Kids' Club video for Sunday? (Just drop me a line for permission to reproduce it.) Download it here
Coronavirus is causing lots of worries for children, but our wonderful God is ever-present and able to help. This children's Bible song is all about God's nature - as seen in the pages of the Bible: God is all-knowing, all-present, and all-powerful.
So for example, Jesus knew all about Zacchaeus before he mets him (Luke 19:1-10), he promises to be with his followers always (Matthew 28:20), and he raised the dead, calmed the storm, and can forgive the sins of all who trust in him (Mark 5:40-43, Mark 4:35-41, Mark 10:45).
We use posh words for these characteristics - God is Omniscient, Omnipresent, and Omnipotent - and that's why this song is all about "Omni!"
It's on the jukebox for you to listen to. You can also download the full track, backing track, and sheet music (that's free) from the store. There's a video too - click here.