It's great to be able to offer you these songs free of charge, I hope you have great fun singing them. Please remember that even though they are free, they are all
copyright © 2000-2025 Maynard's Groovy Bible Tunes.
Any song on the CD or downloaded from the Internet is protected by copyright, and there are important rules about how these files may be used. Therefore, please read the following information carefully.
You can enjoy the mp3 and midi files freely for your personal use, but you may not copy them or distribute them in any way. If you like them, why not buy a CD for a friend, or direct them to
You can print out one copy of the sheet music for your own personal use (ie playing from on any occasion, including in Sunday School or church etc). You'll need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to look at or print the pdf files. You can download it free of charge from
If you have a CCLI licence, you may reproduce the words, reporting this in accordance with the terms of the licence. For more information, Otherwise please contact David Heath-Whyte for permission.
Only one copy for your personal use, as stated above.
If you wish to have other copies (for a music group for example), you will need to purchase a CD for each copy, or get each person to download their own copy.
UK, Ireland & S. Africa: Music Reproduction Licence (MRL) holders may copy the sheet music reporting this in accordance with the terms of the licence.
Australia & New Zealand: Photocopy Licence (PCL) holders may copy the sheet music reporting this in accordance with the terms of the licence.
For more information,
If other people want to obtain the music, please direct them to the website: (or buy them a CD!)
We take your privacy seriously, and try to make our cookies as un-intrusive as possible. Please see the information on these pages: Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy.
All the songs, all together, in one place. It is available by download as an Adobe PDF - in the store. Click here.
You've guessed it - it's not Maynard, it's David.
You can find out more about me at
I'm the minister at St Lawrence Church, Morden, U.K.
Katie & George appear on some of the tracks, thanks guys!
The music notation was produced using Harmony Assistant, by Myriad Software: Link to Myriad Software
I'm using (the rather inappropriately named) REAPER for the audio - an absolutely stunning bit of kit that knocks the socks off Cubase :-)
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<a href=""> <img src="" alt="Visit Maynard's Groovy Bible Tunes"></a>Change 'maynardsbanner_300.png' to 'webaddress_300.png' if you'd rather have that image.
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