"If anyone is in Christ, he is a New Creation - the old has gone, the new has come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17
That's the memory verse for four great days of fun looking at the Apostle Paul and his journeys round the Mediterranean, telling people all about Jesus.
"Go let's Go!" is the theme song, a fun children's worship song, along with the bible songs "Paul, Paul", "If anyone is in Christ", and "Will you sing?"
It makes a great Holiday Club, VBS or Backyard Bible Club - or use it for an assembly or Sunday school or kids' Praise and Worship.
Click to Read More »»Looking for something new for Harvest? Something easy and fun to sing? Something that actually mentions Jesus and God, so that we can thank them?!
"My Little Seed" is what you need!
It's aimed at ages 5-7 (KS1, Infants), but I've also tried it on ages 7-11 (KS2, Juniors), and they had a lot of fun singing it too. There are actions / motions to go with it - just what you need for that year 2 (or 1,3,4,5...) class harvest item!
Click these links:
Listen to "My Little Seed" Harvest Song on the Jukebox :: Get the Sheet Music and MP3 Full track / Backing track downloads for "My Little Seed" Harvest Song from the Store :: Watch the actions / motions video
"Wanted - Dead AND Alive!" is our theme, for two fun-packed Jesus-centred Easter shows for children, available for free on Youtube. Songs, Bible, Quizzes, and Maynard and David. Part 1 looks at Good Friday, Part 2 at Easter Day. Kids love them, so share them and enjoy them. Especially good for Shelter-at-home or lockdown kids.
The Christmas Story, told with 12 great Christmas Bible Songs for Children. Just the full tracks on this child-friendly CD. Pop it in the CD player on repeat and let the children sing and dance away for hours - praising our Lord Jesus Christ while they're at it! For kids of all ages to sing and enjoy. Get it for your children, or your Kids Club, Sunday School or Church! *with "Hush, shhh, there's a baby" in the newer "Jump with Joy" version.
Available in Store today - with worldwide delivery - get it now!
S-T-O-P stands for "Sorry, Thank you, Others, Please" - it's a great way of helping children (and adults!) to think about what to pray for. It's based on the kind of things we read in the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-15) and in Colossians and other letters by Paul (eg Colossians 3:17, 4:2).
You could use this children's bible song to encourage prayer, or as a mini-series about prayer over a few weeks, or as a holiday club theme, or just because it's fun and you'll think of great actions! It's great for kids to sing in all sorts of situations - go on, download it today!
Click here to listen on the Jukebox, click here to get it from the store
Identity is going to be huge issue for kids growing up today. Help them to know who they are when they trust in Jesus!