Great news - I've re-recorded the song "God's Word is the Bible"
Hebrews 4:12 says "The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." - Wow! So it's got to be worth opening up with the children, and that's what this song is all about.
Click to Read More »»"Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation" (Colossians 1:15) - and if you'd have been there, you'd have seen him in action!
The current Free MP3 download is the Full Version of "Click! He's the Image", from the "King Seekers" CD - Click Here for Click! - the free MP3 download
The song "Seven Signs" is all about the miracles in John's Gospel:
Water into wine, the Official's dying son, a lame man walks, 5000 fed, walks on water, a blind man sees, Lazarus lives - it's obvious who Jesus is! And... I remembered them all by singing the song!
Each miracle is a sign, showing the glory of Jesus: that he is the Son of God, come to this earth to save us.
I'm giving the full track away for free this month - click here to get it from the store, click here to listen on the jukebox.
To celebrate the New Year, and give you something great to sing for New Year Sunday School, I've done a new recording of "So this is how..."
Listen on the Jukebox :: Download the MP3 files :: Video of the old version (live) on YouTube
We know that God loves us, but what is that love like, how does he show us that love? The Bible is clear: it's shown in Jesus coming to this world, and dying for us to save us.
Click to Read More »»I was singing "Hush..." with some little children (3-5s) the other day, and realised it might be an idea to have a shorter version, without the repeats in the choruses - so here it is! Now available to download as MP3 files (full / backing) and a 1080p HD Video with subtitles - click here!