Hot off the press, and not quite(?) too late to use this Easter...
"He's Alive" is a kids' Easter song: 1 Peter 1:3 set to music - foot-stomping never-forget-it music - just what you need to help you memorise this brilliant Easter verse.
It's one of my favourite Bible verses (are we allowed those?) - and I was wondering why I've done a song for 1 Peter 1:4, but not 1:3, so I set about fixing that.
So here it is - click here to listen on the Jukebox now! And click here for the MP3 or free PDF Sheet Music in store.
Hope you enjoy it - and have a Happy Easter!
"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ - in his great mercy he's given us new birth to a hope that is alive!"
Put it on - the Full Armour of God!
Based on Paul's famous words in Ephesians 6, here's a song to help you to remember to do it!
Maybe it's not particularly Easter-y, but if you're starting to think about Summer Clubs, or Backyard Bible Clubs, or even if you're just planning Sunday School for the next few months, it's a great theme song for an "Armour of God" series.
I've just completely re-recorded the song, and added a little "coda" (or even "bridge"!) - it's much better, so get it quick while it's free!
:: Listen on the Jukebox :: Get it in the Store ::
For all of February 2011, you can download the "Most Important!" MP3 for free.
It's an Easter Song, based on 1 Corinthians 15, where Paul says: "what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day..." (1 Cor 15:3-4)
It's fun, easy to sing, with great actions / motions as well.
Get the free MP3 from the store - click here :: Click here to listen for free on the Jukebox :: Click here for Sheet Music :: Click here for the song on a CD
Brand new today - probably a bit late to include in your celebrations this year, but you can sing along to it & enjoy it anyway!
It's all about the shepherds & the messengers with Good News that God sent to them... from Luke 2:8-20.
Click here to listen to this new Children's Christmas Carol on the Jukebox, Click here to get the PDF sheet music, MP3 files, or buy it on CD
You've come to the right place for Childrens' Carols! We've got a real mix for Kids' Christmas songs: some boppy dance-around ones, and some quieter thoughtful songs: all of them are based on the bible facts, and unforgetable!
Facts not Fairy Tales (boppy) :: Hush! There's a baby... (fun) :: I'm an Angel (ooh!) (dancy) :: It's a boy (groovy version) :: It's a boy (quieter version) :: King Seekers (foot-stomping!) :: One Boy (gentle) :: Presents (we love presents) (jump up and down-y)
You can get all these children's carols on the Christmas CD, or as MP3 downloads from the store: click here.
As usual you can listen for free on the Jukebox, and download the sheet music there as well (Click the 'sheet music' button - Adobe PDF format).
Let me know how you use them - I hope you have fun!
A brand new song for you - and it's a goody!
"Do ya know the Bible?" is a "Bible" song that'll have you dancing in the aisles (or demurely swaying a little in the pews). We've been singing this in school assemblies (ages 7-11) and the kids have been loving it - especially with the actions.I was struck by Jesus saying to the Sadducees: "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God!" (Matthew 22:29) Eeek! Do we know them? That's what this song is about!
The chorus picks up on Jesus' teaching about His Word (Matthew 4:4, 7:24-25), and then the verses include the wonderful teaching in 2 Timothy 3:14-17.
Style-wise, it's Rock 'n' Roll! I can't stop singing it - hope you enjoy it too!
Time to do some clicking: "Do ya know the Bible?" on the Jukebox, "Do ya know the Bible?" downloads in the Store, "Do ya know the Bible?" free sheet music!