Matthew 2:1-12
Go-go-go-go Gold,
Frank Frank Frank who?
Murmur murmur murmur murmur
Gifts that are fit for a King!
1. Wise Men see
a star in the sky
It's brand new,
the question is why?
The king is born -
there's one reply:
Follow that star
to see where he lies!
2. What kind of gift,
oh what sort of thing?
From all their treasure,
what will they bring?
Cud-dl-y camel,
di-a-mond ring?
What will the wise men
give to the King?
3. Now the Star has
shown them the place
Bowing down,
they worship and praise
Share their presents,
gaze on his face,
Jesus the King
is God's gift of grace!
#1 ... #10 | popularity last week |
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