What's going on with Maynard's Groovy Bible Tunes, from day to day...
I'm working on a new song about forgiveness.
It started off based on Isaiah 1:18, but I just couldn't get the chorus to work - until I came up with the current chorus. But then Isaiah 1:18 had gone, and Acts 10:43 had got into my head. Not quite as poetic, but great stuff!
This vid is from a quick recording of me + guitar, and the final recording will be quite different - same tune and (almost all the) words (a couple have changed already as I've listened).
EDIT: it's now finished, here's the completed video instead:
What are you going to sing with the kids in Sunday School on Trinity Sunday?
If you're following church calendars, Trinity Sunday comes the week after Pentecost, and it's a chance to have an extra focus on the great fact that we've got One God, in Three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
It's a bit complicated for the grown ups to understand completely, so maybe the children will manage just fine! Why not simply sing a song about each of the three persons:
Father - Why Worry?
Son - So this is how
Holy Spirit - O Holy Spirit
Have a great time!
Here's a lesson plan for a Kids' Club / Sunday School on Pentecost, that uses a couple of MGBT songs:
I didn't have a chance to write any new songs before Easter this year, but I've had a short break afterwards, and so here's a new song for next Easter!
"We Sing Hosanna!" is for Palm Sunday. It takes a look at the different things that people said about this man "riding on a donkey" - Zechariah (Matthew 21:5), the "city" (Matthew 21:10), and the chief priests (and teachers of the law - but it was too hard to get them in! - Matthew 21:15). Lined up against them is the response of the disciples - the joyful "Hosanna!" for the Son of David, the King (Matthew 21:9,15).
Anyway - I've just finished recording the song, so now I've got to do the sheet music, package it all up, and get it online.
It's now online, and here are the links:
Jukebox: www.maynardsgroovytunes.co.uk/jukebox/wesinghosanna
Store: www.maynardsgroovytunes.co.uk/store/catalogsearch/result/?q=wesinghosanna
The new batch of "King Seekers" CDs has arrived - get yours now!