Palm Sunday through Good Friday to Easter Day and beyond: what happened to Jesus? What does it all mean? What difference does it make?! How is it possible to have so much fun singing about Jesus?! 12 songs for kids that are fun, funky and unforgettable. Perfect for kids worship or family worship, or any kind of kids & Jesus stuff!
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Why do we need Jesus' forgiveness, and how do we get it? Acts 10:43 tells us, in Peter's words: "All the prophets testify that everyone who trusts in Jesus receives forgiveness of sins in his name" - Brilliant!
It's such great news it deserves a bouncy fun new song to celebrate it - so here's "Forgiveness..."
You can listen to "Forgiveness..." on the MGBT Jukebox, or on YouTube:
You can download all sorts of things - MP3 Files (full or instrumental / backing), Free PDF Sheet Music, and HD Video files (full or instrumental) - from the Store.
What's going on at Easter? Why did Jesus have to die?
These are the kind of questions Children want to know, and Sunday School teachers want to help them with!
God explains it all through the Old Testament, and one very special place is in Isaiah, chapter 53, verse 6: "We all, like sheep, have gone astray; we've turned, each one, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all"
But what is "iniquity"? And who is "Him"? This song explains!
Have a listen on the Jukebox - Get "53v6" on the Easter CD - Download the Sheet Music & MP3s - Watch the YouTube Video
Strange really - it was Bad, it was Mad, and it was Sad - but all in all, it was a GOOD day for all of us. The day that Jesus died on the Cross, Good Friday. That's the wonder of Easter - and that's what the song Good Friday is all about.
It's from Mark 15:33-39, with the darkness, Jesus' cry, and the centurion's words. It's great for kids of age 5 and upwards, and even the grown-ups enjoy it!
You can listen for free on the Jukebox, watch the YouTube Video, download the MP3 music from the store, get the PDF Sheet music for free, or get "Good Friday" on the Easter CD. Hope you enjoy singing it!
This song is both DEEP and BOUNCY!
DEEP because it's all about 1 John 4:9-10, God showing us his love through Jesus' death on the cross.
BOUNCY because Jesus is ALIVE, and that's great!
:: Listen to "So this is how..." on the Jukebox :: Get the sheet music and downloads :: on CD / Album download (We Sing Hosanna - Easter Compilation) :: on CD / Album Download (Sing to the King) :: Video File Download
Why not check out "53 verse 6", and "Luke 19v10" as well!
What's Easter all about, why did it happen? So that we can be right with God - forgiven and made new. And it's all because of Jesus. in Peter's words: "All the prophets testify that everyone who trusts in Jesus receives forgiveness of sins in his name" - Brilliant! (and from Acts 10:43) That's what his death on the cross, and his resurrection are all about.
It's great for Sunday School, Easter Assemblies, Kids' Clubs and everywhere! Listen to "Forgiveness..." on the MGBT Jukebox, or on YouTube:
Get it on the We Sing Hosanna! Songs for Easter Album Download - or MP3 Files (full or instrumental / backing), Free PDF Sheet Music, and HD Video files (full or instrumental) - from the Store.