What's going on with Maynard's Groovy Bible Tunes, from day to day...
Jade (who gave a false email, so I can't get back to her) posted this comment:
"Hi Everyone i am commenting on this Website because at our school its Great for Worship. But I would mention not the bit in the middle 'welcome to maynardsgroovytunes.co.uk' anyways otherwise its Great!!!"
Thanks Jade!
That "bit in the middle" is there as a 'watermark', let me explain: I'd love to make it possible for the whole song to be heard without interruption - but that would mean that some people would copy the files and break my copyright. So I'm sorry - the bit in the middle that interrupts it (and removes a bar of music also) will have to stay.
Why not ask your teachers to get a CD or two? Then you can sing along to the whole songs
Thanks for commenting.