nb: It's worth checking the Print Preview first, you may need to shrink the page to show all the lyrics.
One, Two: | Point right hand up and right, then left hand up and left |
Me and You, | Point both hands to chest, then away to others |
Three, Four: | Point right hand down and right, then left hand down and left |
Let's explore! | Shade eyes with right hand, and look from left to right |
Five, Six, | Point right hand up and right, then left hand up and left |
Seven, Eight: | Point right hand down and right, then left hand down and left |
Come on, let's investigate! | Make binoculars with hands by eyes, and look from right to left and back |
1. Let's look at things | Point to horizon from right to left |
That Jesus did | |
And hear the words | Hands behind ears as if listening hard (and keep dancing!) |
That Jesus said | |
He walked on water | Walk deliberately! |
Fed five thousand | Pat tummy as if well fed |
Healed the sick and | Lower yourself in preparation for ... |
Raised the dead! | ... a big leap into the air! |
2. Let's check out | Open left hand palm as if its a book... |
What the Bible tells us | ...and read it with right hand finger |
Be detectives, | Hold imaginary magnifying glass... |
Boys and girls! | ...and examine imaginary things |
We'll find out | Cross arms in front of you ... |
Jesus really is the | ...and gradually raise above your head ... |
Saviour of the | ... so that you can separate them... |
Whole Wide World! | ... and point out a big mirrored-circle around you |