Looking for a song for children to sing on Mother's Day?
Don't panic - we've got a great tune that's all about love! Not just gushy soppy love though - real love that lasts.
It's called "It's love", and it's based on that great passage 1 Corinthians 13.
Listen to it on the jukebox - click here. Watch the video - click here
Download the track from the store - click here.
Mother's Day / Mothering Sunday in the UK is on March 30th 2025 :)
Mother's Day in the US is on May 11th 2025 :)
Time for a really bopping, foot-stamping, fun children's bible song to praise God with!
How great is our Lord? THIS GREAT! So let's not turn away when he speaks to us through his word...
It's not entirely original, and that's brilliant, because it's based on Psalm 95 - the good ol' "Venite!" - but like you've never heard it before...
Click here to hear this Christian Children's song right now, then get the PDF Sheet Music free, and download the MP3 files for the song so you can sing along with your kids. Enjoy!
This song is both DEEP and BOUNCY!
DEEP because it's all about 1 John 4:9-10, God showing us his love through Jesus' death on the cross.
BOUNCY because Jesus is ALIVE, and that's great!
:: Listen to "So this is how..." on the Jukebox :: Get the sheet music and downloads :: on CD / Album download (We Sing Hosanna - Easter Compilation) :: on CD / Album Download (Sing to the King) :: Video File Download
Why not check out "53 verse 6", and "Luke 19v10" as well!
Why do we need Jesus' forgiveness, and how do we get it? Acts 10:43 tells us, in Peter's words: "All the prophets testify that everyone who trusts in Jesus receives forgiveness of sins in his name" - Brilliant!
It's such great news it deserves a bouncy fun new song to celebrate it - so here's "Forgiveness..."
You can listen to "Forgiveness..." on the MGBT Jukebox, or on YouTube:
You can download all sorts of things - MP3 Files (full or instrumental / backing), Free PDF Sheet Music, and HD Video files (full or instrumental) - from the Store.
Planning your Summer Children's activities? Summer Holiday clubs, VBS, Backyard Bible Clubs, CPAS Ventures - whatever kind of club you do, we've got lots of great Children's Bible Songs here for you: songs that help the kids hear and remember the Bible, songs to jump around to, songs the kids won't forget, most of all: songs about Jesus!
Click the "read more" link for some suggestions - or contact us with your holiday club theme and we'll send you some song ideas.
Click to Read More »»Palm Sunday through Good Friday to Easter Day and beyond: what happened to Jesus? What does it all mean? What difference does it make?! How is it possible to have so much fun singing about Jesus?! 12 songs for kids that are fun, funky and unforgettable. Perfect for kids worship or family worship, or any kind of kids & Jesus stuff!
Buy CD :: Album Download :: Sheet Music :: Listen Now